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What is Flatons?
Flatons is an online platform, where registered investors can access, evaluate and analyze real estate investments.How does Flatons work?
One needs to sign-up before investment opportunities can be accessed. Upon completion of registration you will be able to view and evaluate available investment opportunities on our platform.Why do you have only limited number of properties listed on platform?
We list only those properties, which can make you good returns as per our investment framework. Usually only 5% of properties, which we study, make it to the platform. This saves you lot of time searching for properties which are investable.Do I have to pay a fee to use Flatons?
No access to platform is FREE, we do not charge any free from you.Which all locations are covered by Flatons?
Currently our platform covers Pune region only.What is the minimum investment amount?
It varies from property to property usually it should be around 20% of total cost of ownership. Balanced may be taken as loan from bank. For example, if total cost of property is 40 lakhs, we assume that minimum investment amount ( also called Down payment amount ) will be 8 lakhs balance 32 lakhs can be takes as loan from bank.Who can invest through Flatons?
Anyone who would like to invest in real estate in india, including NRIs.What types of investments is available?
You can access residential and commercial real estate investments through our platform.Why should I use Flatons to invest in real estate, How do investors benefit?
Real estate is a complex asset class. One needs deep understanding of realty market along with complex investment scenarios to be successful. Flatons provide high-level market analysis, financial analysis tools and expertize to help you make right real estate investment decisions..How do investors earn returns?
Majority of return constitutes of increase in market value of investment property while some gains can be made through earning rent from the property.What kind of updates will I get about my investment?
If you manage your investment through our platform you will have access to latest price of property along with current value.Are these Investments liquid? When will I get my investment back?
Real estate is not so liquid investments like stocks. Usually you will need to be invested in a property for 3-8 years to make good returnsHow are investments pre-vetted before coming onto Flatons?
Yes we conduct due diligence of property before listing on our platform. Properties are listed only when we believe an investor can make good returns.What is the Flatons Rating?
It is a specific rating assigned on the scale of 0-100 to a particular property based on many different metrics – designed to measure expected success rate of investment. Our rating can quickly help you decide winners among others.Does Flatons recommend investments?
We do not recommend a particular investment; rather we provide tools for you to evaluate investments for yourselves.